"04:38:03 Visit of House Judiciary Committee, Vienna, Austria, September 20, 1949. CU, Tulln AFB sign. Congressmen leaving plane and greeted by Brig Gen Jesmond D Balmer and others. John G Erhardt, American Minister to Austria, posing with group. Cut-ins, various Congressmen; cars leaving field. LS, American Legation building. Balmer arriving at American Legation. Congressman William T Byrne arriving. MLS, Congressmen Michael T Feighan (Ohio), Frank Fellows (Maine), William T Byrne (NY). Erhardt shaking hands with Byrne. Erhardt posing with committee on steps of Legation. 04:40:14 Visit of House Judiciary Committee, Salzburg, Austria, September 19+20, 1949. CU, sign,\"Kavalier House\" Motorcade coming through gate, escorted by motorcycles. Brig Gen Thomas F Hickey shaking hands with Francis E Walters, Chairman of Committee. Hon Chauncey W Reed with Hickey. Byrne and Fellows. Hickey greets Clifford P Case. Congressmen accompanied by Hickey reviewing 202nd MP guard. Congressmen and Hickey on porch, standing at attention during playing of anthem. Group of MPs next to motorcycles. MP with police dog arriving at HQ, Vienna (underexposed). Committee at DP camp near Salzburg. Official party talking with camp directors. Group looking at map. CU, boy eating bread. Group walking toward cabins. Party entering a cabin. Congressman holding child; woman standing at left. Congressman greeting elderly male inmate. NOTE: Inmates are all Volksdeutsch."@eng . . "1949, September 19-20" . "House Judiciary committee visits Austria and DP camp"@eng . . . "House Judiciary committee visits Austria and DP camp"@eng . .