Berchtesgaden; Germans/POWs in Czechoslovakia; DP camp in Austria an entity of type: Record

Berchtesgaden; Germans/POWs in Czechoslovakia; DP camp in Austria 
Berchtesgaden; Germans/POWs in Czechoslovakia; DP camp in Austria 
1945, May 10-11 
02:11:07 (LIB 6579) 101st Airborne Div, Berchtesgaden, Germany, May 10, 1945. MSs, 101st ABN troops string wire to HQ in hotel. EXTs, Field Marshal Albert Kesselring with Maj Gen Maxwell D Taylor and Brig Gen Gerald J. Higgins. 02:14:27 (LIB 6580) Concentration Area near Cheb, Czechoslovakia, May 11, 1945. MLS, German soldiers and vehicles in assembly area. MSs, CU, prisoners of war cooking, resting, and eating. German field hospital set up in the area. Medics care for wounded soldiers. MSs, German nurses and doctors operating in field hospital. EXTs, first-aid unit at work caring for minor injuries of prisoners. 02:17:49 (LIB 6581) Displaced Persons Camp, Landeck, Austria, May 10, 1945. LS, DP camp operated by 44th US Div. MSs, CUs men, women, and children of camp talking to US soldiers, dancing, playing musical instruments, etc. MSs, US medic bandages DP's hand in front of camp hospital. MS, truckloads of DPs are evacuated from the camp. MS, HQ building with sign,"44th Division - Displaced Persons Center" 02:20:00 (LIB 6582) 101st Abn Div, Berchtesgaden, Germany, May 10, 1945. EXTs, Field Marshal Albert Kesselring, Maj Gen Maxwell D Taylor, and Brig Gen Gerald J. Higgins in conversation. 

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