http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/us-005578-irn1002984 an entity of type: Record
Universal Newsreel, Vol. 2, No. 100, Part 7. Release date, 12/11/1930. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: News Paragraphs, New York, NY."Einstein arrives" German scientist here for lectures tour and scientific research. CU, Einstein. Arm in arm with fellows across ship's deck. LS, Einstein surrounded by reporters and cameramen. CU, Mrs. Einstein and her husband. Other parts of the newsreel include: 01:18:54 1: Diegel wins first open match play golf championship. 01:20:08 2: Villages combat flood ravages as high water recedes. 01:21:31 3: Male chorines shine in dress rehearsal of 1930 college show. 01:22:30 4: Detonate 31 tons of dynamite in world's biggest quarry shot. 01:23:30 5: News Paragraphs, Valley Stream, NY 01:24:27 6: News Paragraphs, Berlin, Germany 01:25:37 8:"President Hoove", new $8,000,000 liner; named by first lady 01:26:52 9: Ship record load of federal liquor law violators to jail. 01:28:08 10: Champion marksmen compete in annual clay-pigeon tourney. 01:28:44 Kiwanis hold 11th annual convention 01:30:27 Giant St. Nicholas holds open house for 69th streeters ends 01:32:20