"1425 FF (16:00:40-16:06:30) Grafenmehr and Rheinman, Germany, Rhein Main Terminal airport. Joint Chiefs of Staff confer in Europe. Airport. LS, down gangplank of plane. Admiral Donfield, Gen. Bradley, and Gen. Vandenberg near plane. Other officers, civilians. Color guard. Generals talking and the press. Airport; army personnel. Military men, saluting, getting into car, moving off, motorcade. 1425 GG (16:06:32-16:14:40) Early morning shots of tanks, jeeps, along roads of Munich on snoop raid (in winter). LS, vehicles through bombed-out Munich. Infantry men. MLS, GIs raiding house for suspected undergrounders. MS, anxious, indignant young soldiers searching homes. Man under arrest. Suspect entering command post. Officer questioning suspect. Other shots of suspected homes raided, arrests, and suspects brought in for questioning. Vienna: raid on stolen car dealer. MS, MPs walking along sidewalk, entering office of suspects. Shots of briefcase being emptied, contents examined by raiding officers. MSs another suspect searched and effects examined. CUs, woman hiding face."@eng . . "March of Time -- outtakes -- VIPs during postwar; Soldiers raiding homes"@eng . . . "March of Time -- outtakes -- VIPs during postwar; Soldiers raiding homes"@eng . .