"Warsaw ghetto, women walk and stand about on a street, some with armbands. Children play a game. LS of Stutthof concentration camp liberated by the Soviets. VS of camp: barracks, piles of hair, pan, clothing, a man and woman standing upon a mountain of shoes, Zyklon B (poison gas) canisters, ovens. More scenes of the camp, road, barbed wire, etc., ends on CU of stone tablet/memorial plaque, engraved on wall, that reads:\"Bojownikom O Wolnosc Pomordowanym W Sztutowie W latach 1939-1945 [To all who fought for freedom and were tortured at Stutthof in 1939-1945.] Translation of voiceover narration: [Opens with Russian narration] Look at these people. An anguished death awaits each of them. In the summer of 1942 in Warsaw's Jewish ghetto these people are still busy going about their business. Children are still smiling at the sun. [Ukrainian narration.] This footage was taken at Stutthof after the Soviet army had liberated it.\"Zyklo\" - poison for gas chambers. Ash from the ovens was used at greenhouses. Flowers from the greenhouses went to the commandant Hoppe's villa. [Abrupt] ...at Stutthof, the camp that became a monument to mankind's sorrow."@eng . . . "1942; 1945" . "Warsaw ghetto and Stutthof liberated"@eng . . . "Warsaw ghetto and Stutthof liberated"@eng . .