March of Time -- outtakes -- King; Lotta Women's Auxiliary Organization feeding soldiers an entity of type: Record
March of Time -- outtakes -- King; Lotta Women's Auxiliary Organization feeding soldiers
March of Time -- outtakes -- King; Lotta Women's Auxiliary Organization feeding soldiers
1944 September
1021 C (09:17:20): Swedish King Gustav V playing tennis. King (with glasses and hat) autographs papers for children. 1021 F (09:20:50): Man at desk, writing, reading. Two men exiting office, walking. Military review, parade. Various shots, soldiers talking, civilians in BG. CUs, tanks. 1021 X (09:24:59): September 25, 1944 (Lavender) Lotta Women's Auxiliary Organization. Several shots of Swedish soldiers in winter uniforms walking to open-air kitchen run by the Lottas in the snow. Soldiers standing around eating. Soldiers at a Lotta field kitchen set up in front of a tent (ground covered with snow). Sound detectors and a range finder. Lottas pushing wagon in summertime. Lotta woman ironing. Street scene with Lottas collecting money, civilians in BG. Lottas feeding soldiers at tables set up in open-air. Lottas riding on back of truck. Lottas serving soldiers.