"A propaganda film declared as a\"documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism\" in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans;\"international crim\";\"financial Judais\";\"assimilated Jew\"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts. REEL 3 A similar animated map compares the wanderings of the Jews to the mass migrations of the rat from Asia to Europe, Africa and America. Wherever rats travel, they take destruction of goods and foodstuffs. They also bring diseases, which are enumerated: leprosy, cholera, typhus, etc. Close-up shot of a mass of rats, rats in grain sacks, rats coming up out of a drain, rats leaping over foodstuffs and large numbers of rats running towards the camera, commentary\"In the animal world they represent craftiness and underground destruction - no different from the Jews among mankin\". More close-up shots of Jewish men in Warsaw, while the narrator states that Jews make up a great part of the international criminal element. He goes on to cite statistics as of 1932. Jews were responsible for most of the drug trade, for 82 % of international thievery rings, for 98 percent of the white slave trade, and more.\"It is not without reason that criminal jargon comes from Hebrew and Yiddish\" Studio shots and exterior shots of a variety of Jewish men, with the commentary,\"These shots refute impressively the liberal theories of equality of all those who bear a human face. Of course they change their outward appearance when they leave their Polish nests to go out into the rich world\" Studio shots of six young Jewish men, first bearded and wearing traditional clothing, and then clean-shaven and wearing European clothes. Footage of a social gathering in a wealthy private house. Scenes of dancing, drinking, conversation. Close-ups of people attending the party, while the narrator warns against being fooled by the assimilated Jew:\"The assimilated Jew remains always a foreign body in the organism of its host\" Still photograph of Baron Maurice de Rothschild. Still photograph of Major James de Rothschild. Extended extract from the feature film\"The House of Rothschil\" showing the Rothschilds hiding their wealth and feigning poverty in an attempt to deceive tax collectors. This excerpt is in English with German subtitles."@eng . . "Anti-Jewish propaganda film: transmitting disease; assimilated Jews"@eng . . . "Anti-Jewish propaganda film: transmitting disease; assimilated Jews"@eng . . .