. "Translators; Russian prosecutor addresses Nuremberg Trial"@eng . "20:00:40 (Munich 70) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 26-27, 1946. MLSs, MSs, translators' section: Voice of witness is heard testifying in French as civilian interprets in English; voice heard speaking in German, translated to English by same man. References to Lord Halifax, Goering. 20:03:09 A woman translator is heard interpreting into Russian. German translator speaks into microphone. 20:04:24 Silent scenes: MSs, sailor operates console where sound is mixed and routed to different headsets. MSs, translators at work. MCUs, defense attorney at speaker's stand places headphones on and tunes into language he desires.20:05:34 CU of headphones taken from hook for use. CUs, hand turns dial on edge of speaker's stand. 20:05:53 (Paris 547) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 9, 1946. LSs, MSs, assistant Russian prosecutor Col. Pokrovsky addresses the court in Russian (rear views only)."@eng . . "Translators; Russian prosecutor addresses Nuremberg Trial"@eng . . . . "1946, March 26-27" . .