"(Munich 163) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 14-15, 1946. Emil Johann Rudolf Puhl walks to witness box and is sworn in by the Chief Justice. Mr. Puhl is the former assistant director of the Reichsbank. LS, Dr. Fritz Sauter questions Puhl. Rear views, LS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd approaches the stand and interposes a clear point concerning the witness. LS, Puhl testifies and admits that gold teeth collected from victims of concentration camps were left on deposit at the Reichsbank by members of the Nazi party. MS, witnesses in dock listen to testimony. LS, rear view, Dodd interrupts to correct statements made in the testimony."@eng . . . "1946, May 14-15" . "Former Reichsbank director on stand at Nuremberg Trial"@eng . . . "Former Reichsbank director on stand at Nuremberg Trial"@eng . .