Von Ribbentrop interrogated at Nuremberg Trial
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Von Ribbentrop interrogated at Nuremberg Trial
Von Ribbentrop interrogated at Nuremberg Trial
1946 April 02
(Munich 79) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 2, 1946. LSs, Dr. Alfred Seidl, Hess's lawyer, questions Joachim von Ribbentrop on details of the Russian-German treaty. CUs, von Ribbentrop responds. MSs, Justices Lawrence, Birkett, and Biddle. MSs, Chief Justice Lawrence questions von Ribbentrop. LSs, MSs, CUs, Chief British Prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions von Ribbentrop about Hitler's policy toward the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia and about a meeting he attended that described Hitler's desire to wipe Czechoslovakia from the map of the world. CUs, von Ribbentrop. LSs, Dr. Martin Horne, Ribbentrop's lawyer, approaches the stand and objects to the questions asked. LSs, the President of the Tribunal after consultation with the justices states,"The Tribunal thinks the questions are perfectly proper"