"(Paris 503) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 14, 1946. LS, courtroom. Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence stops the German counselor attempting to read a written statement of Admiral Karl Doenitz. LS, Peter Josef Heisig, a U-boat officer, is questioned by German counsel. MLS, Heisig sworn in and testifies. British prosecutor Col. H. Phillimore questions the witness. Inserts, various pages of Julius Streicher's articles in\"Der Stuerme\" showing pictures of alleged Jewish ritual murders of boys, men, and women (images are medieval art reproduced in newspaper dated May 1939)."@eng . . . "1946 January 14" . "U-boat officer questioned,\"Der Stuerme\" photos shown at Nuremberg Trial"@eng . . . "U-boat officer questioned,\"Der Stuerme\" photos shown at Nuremberg Trial"@eng . .