Confiscated art and chart discussed at Nuremberg Trial an entity of type: Record

Confiscated art and chart discussed at Nuremberg Trial 
Confiscated art and chart discussed at Nuremberg Trial 
(Paris 453) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 12, 1945. Robert G. Storey tells of the vast quantities of objects of art confiscated by the Nazis. As evidence he presents 39 volumes listing the seized art. MLS, judges examining catalogs (Justice Robert Falco (France) is the only judge seen). Storey claims that if all art objects seized by the Nazi were cataloged they would fill 350 to 400 volumes. The lights are turned off in the courtroom as slides are shown (presentation not filmed). LS, Storey explaining chart on wall showing advancement from Hitler Youth to SS. CU, chart on wall. 

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