Black market; US prosecutors address Nuremberg Trial; Award an entity of type: Record
Black market; US prosecutors address Nuremberg Trial; Award
Black market; US prosecutors address Nuremberg Trial; Award
November-December 1945
01:37:27 (Paris 401) Black Market, Frankfurt, Germany, November 28, 1945. Full screen view, civilian police chief and a US Army major of the AMG hold discussion in front of police headquarters. MSs, a male civilian is arrested by police and civilian deputies. MLS, rear view, civilians loading onto police truck. 01:38:39 (Paris 407) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 3, 1945. LS, Tribunal judges entering courtroom and taking their seats. MLS, Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson making notes. MLS, Sydney Alderman, US asst prosecutor, addressing courtroom. MS, US judges Francis Biddle and John J. Parker. MS, French judges Robert Falco and Henri Donnedieu de Vabre. MS, British judges Birkett and Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence. MS, Russian judges A F Volchoff and Maj. Gen. I T Nikitchenko. MCU, Jackson listening to trial. MS, prosecution counselor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe seated in courtroom. MS, Chief Justice Lawrence and Biddle. Pan left to right of judges. 01:41:55 (Paris 343) Presentation of Stained Glass Window to Strasbourg Cathedral, Strasbourg, France, no date. SEQ: Lt. Gen. Geoffrey, Gen. G. de Montsabert, and Lt. Gen. Touzet de Vigier meet at Pont de Kuhl and after a short review of troops, Lt. Gen. Geoffrey Keyes places a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. On the parade ground, Gen. de Vigier awards medals to three US officers. LS, MSs, Gen. Keyes and unnamed French admiral exit from Strasbourg Cathedral and get into car.