"Lahousen testifies at Nuremberg Trial"@eng . "Lahousen testifies at Nuremberg Trial"@eng . . . . . "(Paris 399) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 30, 1945. MS, rear view, Russian Gen. Rudenko speaking to the court. MS, rear view, German defense counsel addresses the court. Gen. Lahousen (Austrian Intelligence Service) taking stand and being sworn in. Lahousen identifies Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Jodl and proceeds to testify, recalling what was said and decided of a conference, and mentions Ribbentrop. Rear view, Soviet counsel Gen. Rudenko questions Lahousen. Voice is heard asking,\"Were orders for the killing of the Russians in written form\" He answers saying, that yes, he believes these orders came in written form, but he has never seen one. The general idea was pronounced by Hitler, he cannot say who participated in the drafting of the actual orders."@eng . "11/30/1945" . . .