Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up
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Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up
Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up
1961 August 10
Session 113. Near-empty courtroom. Eichmann and Dr. Servatius attempt to talk over the private microphone line. Eichmann motions that it's not necessary. 00:05:43 Judges enter. They open Session 113. The Attorney General Hausner submits translated copies of his summing up. 00:08:54 Hausner says that he will say a few words regarding the proof as presented in the testimonies of the witnesses as well as various documents already discussed. Questions of the honesty of the witnesses, as well as the possibility of corroboration, are raised by the Judges. Hausner answers these in turn. 00:19:44 Hausner says that after Eichmann was admittedly released from his oath in Argentina, he still decried the words of a man who criticized Hitler. He says that Eichmann is still loyal to Hitler, and had no remorse. He reminds the court of the quote where Eichmann said that he would jump happily in his grave after his being responsible for the death of five million. He says that Eichmann's choice of words is suspect considering that he was not fighting on any front, and that his only enemy was the Jews (duplicate footage from Tape 2229). 00:26:30 Tape jumps. Hausner specifies the Eichmann estimates of Jews killed. He mentions the after-the-fact repentance of Eichmann, considering his comments from the Sassen memoirs that suggests Eichmann was upset that he did not complete the Final Solution. 00:29:20 The Judges ask about the estimates of Jews killed, a number saying only a million. Hausner says that he did not use it because Eichmann never brought it up. He then continues to describe the Neo-Nazi movement's goals and their discrediting of the Holocaust. He says that Eichmann did not have the nerve to mention these things, and so the topic was not brought up, including the discrepancy in numbers. 00:32:20 Hausner switches topics to discuss a few small but important points.