Eichmann Trial -- Session 111 -- Hausner's closing statement for the Prosecution; Eichmann's involvement in the decision to use gas

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Eichmann Trial -- Session 111 -- Hausner's closing statement for the Prosecution; Eichmann's involvement in the decision to use gas 
Eichmann Trial -- Session 111 -- Hausner's closing statement for the Prosecution; Eichmann's involvement in the decision to use gas 
1961 August 08 
Session 111. Hausner sums up his case (short overlap from Tape 2218). The deportations from Vienna as described by witnesses Kratky and Wisliceny are discussed, as well as the false hope held by Jews told they were only being resettled. 00:05:48 Hausner suggests that the shooting deaths of so many Jews was said by Eichmann to not be elegant enough, and Eichmann was the one who wanted the use of gas. He planned and worked out the entire method of extermination. The details of the selection of gas, the use of gas, the acquisition of gas, and Eichmann's role in all of these are presented. The possibility of a secret mission of which he was only vaguely aware of, which Eichmann used as an excuse for the gas, is dispelled by Hausner. 00:17:14 Hausner says that the testimony of Eichmann, where he blames everything he is accused of on Heydrich and Office II, is a bunch of lies. He says that the methods he devised, he implemented, and they spread to all the occupied nations across Europe. Hausner states that Eichmann could not possibly say that all of the documents that profess this are forgeries. 

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