"Session 107. Hausner is asked if they marked any passages (duplicate of the end of Tape 2199). He answers that they marked several, some of which had already been read by the defense. The Judges decide those overlapping passages will not be reread. Cuts out as the first passages are being read for the Prosecution. 00:05:10 Hausner argues that he cannot admit part of a document and not the whole thing. Servatius argues that some parts defend the Accused while some incriminate him, and he would only like to submit certain parts. 00:07:37 Dr. Servatius submits the Richard Baer testimony; he was one of the last commandants of Auschwitz. He says that he never knew Eichmann and never had any contact from him. 00:10:33 Session 107 is concluded. People begin to mill about the courtroom. 00:12:39 Shots of Eichmann's empty booth and other various shots of the courtroom. 00:16:12 Session 108. Judges return. Session 108 begins after the President of Court accidently says it is the 110th Session. The Winkelman testimony is submitted. He worked in the embassy, and never received orders from anybody but Himmler. He says that Eichmann took his orders directly from the head office of Reich Security. He reads that a previous trial featured testimony that said Hungarian Field Marshall Faragho planned the deportation of the Jews from Hungary (Duplicate footage on Tape 2201). 00:29:28 Hausner is asked if he'd like to read any passages from the Winkelman affidavit. He reads one passage that says Eichmann was preferred over another officer who was rather haughty. He says that Eichmann had no problem\"exceeding his orders if he felt it was in the spirit of the man who gave the orders\" 00:33:57 Dr. Servatius, after accidentally attempting to submit two affidavits that were already submitted, submits the Franz Novak affidavit. He says that Eichmann was summoned to his superiors daily, though he had no idea if he got his orders from them. 00:38:35 The Veesenmeyer affidavit is submitted by Dr. Servatius. Dr. Edmund Veesenmeyer claimed to be in charge of many aspects of acquiring Jews from Hungary that Eichmann was previously accused of. Questions arise over the actual position of Veesenmeyer. He says that towards the end of the war, his department lost a lot of clout. He assumes that Eichmann negotiated with Hungarian authorities under orders of the Reich, because it would have been very dangerous to do so without. The tape is cut off midsentence."@eng . . "Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 107 and 108 -- Submission of extracts of statements from Baer, Winkelman, Novak, and Veesenmeyer taken abroad"@eng . . . . "1961 July 24" . "Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 107 and 108 -- Submission of extracts of statements from Baer, Winkelman, Novak, and Veesenmeyer taken abroad"@eng . . .