Eichmann Trial -- Session 106 -- Examination by Judges

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Eichmann Trial -- Session 106 -- Examination by Judges 
Eichmann Trial -- Session 106 -- Examination by Judges 
1961 July 21 
Session 106. Eichmann says (midsentence) that nobody in his office questioned any orders, giving plenty of examples (part duplicated on Tape 2191). Eichmann says that those at the Wannsee Conference discussed the various ways that the Jews could be exterminated. Judge Raveh then asks why Eichmann celebrated the end of the conference with Mueller and Heydrich, why was he the third man if he only gave the minutes. Eichmann gives conflicting answers. 00:09:37 The tape jumps, and Eichmann is being asked about a statement from 1942 where he said that he was washing his hands of guilt. This turns out to be an internal reservation, not told to anyone. 00:14:14 Eichmann explains that the quote"if we had 50 Eichmanns we would have won the wa" was in relation to his help organizing fixing his building, not his other service, and that it became a popular idiom of the time. 00:24:42 Eichmann attempts to explain some discrepancies in his statements concerning whether or not he attended a conference in 1939. 00:33:01 Court adjourns for a 20 minute break. Shots of the crowd. Tape fades to slate, then black. 00:36:20 Eichmann's empty booth. The defense returns and is seated. 00:40:20 The Judges return. Eichmann is asked about his statements concerning being brought to Israel against his will, later saying that he was relieved to be in Israel so that he can justify himself through testimony. Eichmann says that he wants to clear away the lies concerning his reputation from the previous 15 years, so that he can give his family something to tell those who question them, and that is why he has insisted on a long cross-examination. Judge Halevi responds that this could be problematic because Eichmann would want to present the facts in a positive light. Eichmann says that's not what he has been doing. 00:48:39 Eichmann's courage to speak the truth and assume responsibility is questioned here based on what some witnesses have said about Eichmann's character. The shifting of the blame by so many at Nuremberg is mentioned, and the Judge says that he understands that the accused have a right to not tell the truth, to not incriminate themselves, but Eichmann has said that he is not doing that, he is telling the truth. The Judge states that they have no prejudice against Eichmann, despite being in Israel, but want to uncover the truth just as Eichmann wants. The tape cuts out in the middle of the translation of the Judge's next statement. 

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