. . . . . . "Session 105. Tape begins with Eichmann midsentence, reading a quotation. This is a duplication of a segment of Tape 2187. It is a description of what Eichmann told his subordinates as Berlin was under siege. He said he was glad it was the end, and expected to die gloriously in this final battle. 00:02:39 After the tape is interrupted by a slate, the translation of Eichmann continues. He describes how many millions died in the war, including, he estimates, 5 million Jews. He says that the text following his statement is forged. 00:09:17 Court adjourns, shots of crowd, Dr. Servatius, and others."@eng . "Eichmann Trial -- Session 105 -- Servatius re-examines the Accused"@eng . "1961 July 20" . "Eichmann Trial -- Session 105 -- Servatius re-examines the Accused"@eng .