Eichmann Trial -- Session 99 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

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Eichmann Trial -- Session 99 -- Cross-examination of the Accused 
Eichmann Trial -- Session 99 -- Cross-examination of the Accused 
1961 July 17 
Footage begins near the opening of Session 99. Hausner continues with cross examination asking the accused about meeting Heinrich Müller, head of Section IV (Gestapo) of the Reich Main Security Office, after witnessing the Einsatzgruppen units in action and telling him that their method was making them into sadists suggesting that another method for executions had to be found. When Eichmann replies that he is not familiar with the last phrase, Hausner notes that during his interrogation he was shown an excerpt from the LIFE article and did not comment on its contents (00:01:38). An excerpt from LIFE discussing the need for another method of extermination is read out loud by Hausner in German. Eichmann contests the statement given in the article and testifies that it is a wrong interpretation of his words and either way, whether by shooting or gas, he was against the killing (00:04:40). Hausner continues to ask questions to the accused in German. The entire opening segment of footage is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2164 (from 00:03:38 to 00:12:19). The footage on Tape 2164 is more complete. Footage cuts (00:09:16 to 00:09:18) A large section of the proceeding is missing and footage resumes in the middle of the session. Hausner questions Eichmann about whether Rudolf Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz, showed him the camp and the extermination process. The Attorney General continues asking the accused if he had any authority over the extermination camps (00:10:09). Eichmann denies having any authority (00:10:12). This segment of footage is duplicated on Tape 2164 (from 00:39:49 to 00:41:17). Footage cuts (00:11:01 to 00:11:03) Another large section of the session is missing from the tape. The remaining portion of the session found on this tape is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2163 (beginning at 00:17:26). Footage resumes with Hausner asking the accused why a document shows that he was involved in the issuing of death certificates for the Jews of Warsaw (00:17:26 on Tape 2163). Eichmann testifies that he does not know anything about this and Hausner continues to question him about his involvement in counter-signing instructions concerning the Warsaw Ghetto. When Hausner states that this matter of signing and counter-signing concerned half a million Jews, Eichmann states that he had nothing to do with the killing of those half-million Jews (00:16:32 and 00:24:13 on Tape 2163). Another document is read, in German, by Hausner concerning the Warsaw Ghetto. The document notes that"special circumstances would make it necessary to segregate the ghetto inhabitants to a greater extent than previously from the rest of the populatio" (00:18:08 and 00:24:31 on Tape 2163). Eichmann testifies that he does not know anything and that the Foreign Ministry and the General Government must have dealt with this matter. Hausner tells the accused that his signature is on the document. Judge Landau asks that the accused be shown the document (00:20:50 and 00:27:13 on Tape 2163). Eichmann responds testifying that there were plans for deportations and that the Reich Main Security Office and Department IVB4 had to ensure that the Jews with foreign nationality were removed but denies that his section was responsible for the deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto (00:25:47 and 00:28:14 on Tape 2163). Footage continues a little longer before cutting. 

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