Eichmann Trial -- Session 98 -- Cross-examination of the Accused
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Eichmann Trial -- Session 98 -- Cross-examination of the Accused
Eichmann Trial -- Session 98 -- Cross-examination of the Accused
1961 July 17
The following footage is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2159 (from 01:01:07 to 01:05:13). The footage on Tape 2160 is more complete. Eichmann is asked if he was aware that the people on these transports died in the dozens. The accused states that his section was not responsible for the round-ups, the local authorities were responsible. Hausner notes that these people died during transport not before (00:01:48) and children were taken out of the cars dead and he, Eichmann, was responsible for the organization of these transports (00:02:17). Hausner presents a document regarding cooperation with the authorities of the General Govenrment and the issuing of supplementary orders by the Reich Security Main Office (00:07:21). The Attorney General also notes that cases involving the arrest of Polish clerics and priests had to be specially authorized by Eichmann's section (00:08:37). Eichmann states that this is true based on the evidence presented in the document. Footage resumes with questions concerning Eichmann's role in orders being sent to Zichenau for the extermination of Jews. Hausner asks the accused what these Jews had done to deserve a public hanging in Zichenau and whether every order for executing Jews went through the accused (00:24:33). This segment is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2161 (from 00:20:34 to 00:24:57). The following footage is also duplicate footage found on Tape 2161 (from 00:25:00 to 00:27:53). Eichmann is asked if he was considered the channel through which Heinrich Himmler passed on orders to the State Police and received confirmation that the hanging had been carried out. Eichmann testifies that this was not always the case, that Heinrich Müller was sometimes the channel. When asked why he dealt with these matters and not department IVC2 Eichmann replies that he does not know. Cross examination continues with Judge Halevi asking the accused what the term"displacement eastwar" means (00:21:22). Eichmann testifies that it refers to deportations to the General Government and occupied Russian territories. When asked by Halevi what the purpose of this was Eichmann states that he is not really sure but knows that it did not involve section IVB4. Judge Landau calls for a short recess (00:25:36) and all rise as the judges exit the courtroom (00:25:39). Eichmann is shown exiting (00:25:46) and there are various shots of the courtroom and defense counsel Robert Servatius. The camera focuses on Bach and Assistant State Attorney Ya'akov Robinson talking and zooms in (00:26:45). Footage cuts (00:27:06 to 00:27:56) Footage resumes with a shot of Hausner seated. The camera shows one of the translators moving chairs around the courtroom. Bar-Or enters the frame (00:29:10) and is almost hit as the translator continues to move the chairs but aids the man. Eichmann enters the booth (00:29:50) and all rise as the judges enter the courtroom (00:32:39). Hausner resumes the cross examination of the accused with questions regarding the transfer of a proposal to kill the Jews of Zichenau between him and Himmler and the local and State Police (00:32:59). The topic of Eichmann's decision to send a transport of Jews from the Reich to Litzmannstadt (Łódź) (00:44:12) is raised. Eichmann is questioned about why he sent this transport to Litzmannstadt instead of Minsk and Riga. Hausner notes that the accused was aware that they would have been killed had they not been sent to Litzmannstadt (00:46:38) and that the accused knew that when he sent the Jews from Duesseldorf to Minsk and Riga that he was murdering them (00:48:21). Eichmann maintains that at that time he did not know that they were killing Jews and the first time he did witness a murder was in Kulm (00:48:41). The Attorney General then asks the accused if he knows Arthur Nebe and Emil Otto Rasch (00:49:54) and about a meeting held on 10 October 1941 suggesting that Jews be sent to the communist camps in Minsk and Riga being run by Nebe and Rasch because the Einsatzgruppen units were there (00:51:08). Eichmann testifies that he knew about this but did not suggest it, stating that he merely received orders to send transports to that region (00:51:34). Eichmann is further questioned about how he knew the absorption capabilities of these camps (00:52:20) and the degree of correspondence between him and the Einsatzgruppen units (00:53:51). The accused maintains that there was no correspondence between them but acknowledges that by the October 1941 meeting he received a large number of reports concerning the work being done by Nebe and Rasch (00:55:04). The discussion about whether Eichmann knew that the Jews were being exterminated in Minsk and Riga continues. Eichmann replies to questions regarding sending Jews from the Reich to Litzmannstadt/Łódź. There is a commotion in the courtroom and Judge Landau tells the guards to remove a man from the audience because he is shouting (01:04:10). The camera cuts to a man in the audience being taken out of the courtroom by guards (01:04:19). The English translator is heard saying that the man pointed to a concentration camp number on his arm and shouted"you dog, you dog" The camera turns back to the proceeding and shows shot of Hausner and Eichmann as a passage read by Hausner is translated. This segment is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2161 (from 00:27:53 to 00:31:01) and Tape 2162 (from 00:00:08 to 00:04:06).