Eichmann Trial -- Session 93 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about his position within RSHA
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Eichmann Trial -- Session 93 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about his position within RSHA
Eichmann Trial -- Session 93 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about his position within RSHA
1961 July 12
The camera opens on Servatius and Bar-Or in conversation. Eichmann, escorted by three guards, enters the booth. There are various shots of the courtroom and the lawyers. All rise as judges Benjamin Halevi, Moshe Landau, and Yitzchak Raveh enter the courtroom. Judge Landau opens the ninety-third session of the trial (00:05:24). Attorney General Gideon Hausner resumes cross-examination of the accused with an affidavit from Dr. Rudolf Mildner, which describes Eichmann as the advisor on all Jewish matters. Eichmann testifies that Mildner was wrong in describing him thus (00:10:26). Eichmann silently reads the document. He then begins reading parts of the document out loud and attempting to explain them. Hausner tells Eichmann that he did not ask him to analyze the document. Servatius pleads with the court to allow his client to be allowed to explain himself but Judge Landau says that in this case a"ye" or"n" answer will suffice. Hausner shows the accused a statement from Karl Heinz Hoffmann, which states Eichmann dealt with special assignments given to him from the highest authorities. The accused testifies that this is untrue (00:23:40). Eichmann is presented with more documents which indicate that he held a special position in the leadership [Reichsfuehrung] of the SS, and operated on the same level of authority as Heinrich Müller (00:27:02). Much of the cross-examination in this session is devoted to Hausner's attempt to prove Eichmann's elite status within the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA). Hausner attempts to show that the accused was in a position of power while Eichmann maintains that he was subordinate to others who held higher positions of authority. The Attorney General presents the accused with numerous documents as evidence showing his high position within the RSHA. A small part of the session is missing.. Servatius asks that the document numbers be stated when an item is presented and Judge Landau notes that the Attorney General always states the document numbers. Hausner questions the accused about instructions for deportations given after the Wannsee Conference and whether or not these instructions were part of the Final Solution (01:00:07). Eichmann states that they were and Hausner proceeds to tell the accused that the Final Solution depended upon two factors 1) the number of places available in the East for absorption of the Jews into camps and 2) the number of trains to carry out the deportations (01:00:38). The footage at the very end of the tape, comprising a few minutes, is duplicate footage found on Tape 2139 (at 00:00:35) and Tape 2140 (at 00:03:16). The footage on Tape 2139 is more complete.