. . . . . "Eichmann Trial -- Session 83 -- Servatius examines Eichmann re: Denmark, Norway, Serbia"@eng . "1961 June 30" . "Eichmann Trial -- Session 83 -- Servatius examines Eichmann re: Denmark, Norway, Serbia"@eng . . "The footage begins in the middle of the session. Judge Raveh questions Eichmann about the reaction of his department to the failure of the attempted deportation of Danish Jews. The judge also asks Eichmann whether he and others in his department attempted to shift the blame for the failure of the operation, and why Eichmann traveled to Denmark. Servatius begins his presentation of documents about Norway (00:05:12). The documents cover the compulsory registration and deportation of Norwegian Jews as well as the transfer of Jews to Sweden. Judge Landau adjourns the session (00:15:45) and all rise as the judges exit. Eichmann exits and the defense and prosecution teams confer and then leave the courtroom. There are views of the audience. The camera focuses on the unidentified woman who had been sitting next to Servatius at the defense table, then zooms in on the empty booth (00:17:37). The footage resumes to show Eichmann sitting in the booth looking at documents. A man examines documents at the prosecution table. Attorney General Gideon Hausner enters and sits at the prosecution table (00:23:47). All rise as the judges enter the courtroom (00:25:09). Judge Landau asks Dr. Servatius to continue his examination. Servatius questions Eichmann about Serbia. The first document he presents concerns\"illega\" border crossing by German Jews into Yugoslavia (00:27:07). Eichmann explains the term\"norma\" emigration to the judges. Servatius introduces a telegram to the Foreign Ministry, signed by Veesenmayer and Benzler, which recommends the immediate arrest and removal of all male Jews from Serbia (00:35:12). The camera cuts between Servatius presenting these documents and Eichmann, in the booth, examining the documents. Judge Raveh points out a discrepancy in one of the documents (00:38:48). Benzler reports that the accommodation of Jews in labor camps in Sabac (in Serbia) is impossible and suggests that they be deported to the Generalgouvernement or Russia. A hand-written note attributed to Eichmann suggests that the Jews be shot. This duplicates footage found on Tape 2108 (at 00:38:47) but is less complete on this tape."@eng .