Berchtesgaden at liberation - 101st Airborne Division; Goering's art collection moved an entity of type: Record
Berchtesgaden at liberation - 101st Airborne Division; Goering's art collection moved
Berchtesgaden at liberation - 101st Airborne Division; Goering's art collection moved
1945 May
Adolf Hitler's 'Berghof' home in Berchtesgaden; 101st Airborne Division recovers Hermann Goering's collection of art looted from occupied Europe. White flags in windows in Munich. Bomb damage of Hitler's house and retreat at Berchtesgaden. Snow on mountains, seen through main window. INT, bomb damaged room. Guard outside entrance, seen through underground passage. Jeep entering main entrance; guard saluting; Gen. Albert Kesselring and aides enter sun porch, sitting at table, talking. Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor and Col. Ned D. Moore of the 101st Airborne Division leave building and meet Col. Charles H. Chase. AVs, Hitler's retreat. MSs, German POWs clean up bomb damage; march back to camp with pick-axes and shovels. Capt. Harry Anderson sitting at desk. Walter Andreas Hofer, art dealer; principle buyer for Goering, and Director of his gallery at Carinhall -- brings in file of papers found in one of the freight cars. Anderson holding a receipt from Dr. Galerie W. A. Luz. Goering's solid gold blotter and ink stand set on Anderson's desk. Street sign:"Berchtesgaden Postamt" [Post office] People wait in line outside food shop. CU, sign:"Off Limits - This building is not to be entered or used for any Military Purpose" MLS, people wait in line at food shop. MSs, men of the 101st Airborne Division carry wood sculptures and paintings, including the"Adam and Ev" oil painting by Franz Floris from 1550, from cave and load them into truck. CU, men walk into building. Sign,"Hermann Goering's Art Collection through the Courtesy of 101st Airborne Division in Unterstein" Guard at entrance. MCUs, Walter Andreas Hofer shows art to Sgt Harold A. Way, including Franz Hals'"Portrait of a Priest" Ruben's portrait of his wife, and paintings by Froumant van Dyke and Burgemaster Moos. Pan across room filled with paintings and statues. Army truck arrives at building, men get out of truck, enter building. US military personnel unload paintings and statues and triptych altar from train onto trucks. Virgin Mary statue at open door of freight car.