. "Eichmann Trial -- Session 76 -- Eichmann's testimony"@eng . . . "1961 June 21" . . "Footage begins with the judges entering the courtroom. The camera cuts to show Eichmann standing and then sitting down as the judges are seated. Judge Landau opens the seventy-sixth session, reminding the accused that he is still under oath. Defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius questions Eichmann about the functions and duties of the Head Office for Reich Security (00:01:29). Eichmann is asked if he worked with Department II, which concerned itself with organization and legal matters, then whether group IID worked on Jewish affairs. Eichmann states that his section did have contact with the other group particularly, with Oberregierungsrat Dr. Bilfinger. Servatius continues to present documents and questions Eichmann about the involvement of various departments in Jewish affairs (00:06:51). Eichmann describes the creation of his section, Department IVB4, and its relationship to immigration and resettlement"@eng . "Eichmann Trial -- Session 76 -- Eichmann's testimony"@eng . . .