"The prologue indicates this film shows authentic American documentary footage from the 'paradise of freedom'. The film starts with images of the Statue of Liberty as narration tells that it was erected on a field of gallows. President Franklin D. Roosevelt is accused of preaching the 'phrases and slogans' of freedom, democracy, and religion while practicing oppression. Police squads and army troops are shown fighting with teargas, clubs, and pistols against strike riots in this 'freest democracy of the world'. The fate of millions of honest and poor American workers and peasants is contrasted with the wealth of a few millionaires in 'Roosevelt's plutocracy'. Some members of the seemingly profiting\"amerikanisch-juedische Ausbeutercliqu\" [American-Jewish clique of exploiters] are depicted: Rothschild, Frankfurter, Untermeyer, Schiff, Baruch, La Guardia. Roosevelt is described as being totally controlled by his\"juedische Hintermaenne\" [Jewish behind-the-scenes controllers] as he strives for the 'destruction of Germany'. Gangsters are ironically named the most visible\"Kulturerscheinunge\" [cultural achievements] of the United States. Finally President Roosevelt's wife is shown as a\"Vorführdam\" [mannequin] presenting furs and clothing instead of caring for the welfare of poor Americans."@eng . . "Nazi propaganda: anti-US"@eng . . . "Nazi propaganda: anti-US"@eng . . .