"Title:\"194\" Hitler confers with leaders. 04:17:16 Title:\"55th Birthday of Hitler 20 April 1944\" Berlin scenes; Hitler and high Nazi officials, military officers, including Keitel, Doenitz, Zeitzler, Goering, others. 04:19:04 close view of (L to R) Himmler, Warlimont, Hitler, Fegelein. 04:19:09 Title:\"Conferences after Hitler's Escape from Bombing Plot 20 July 1944\" Mussolini arrives by train at FHQ, Hitler's greets him with left-handed shake, Goering present. At Hitler's HQ in the Eas, Nazi leaders greet the Fuehrer to congratulate him on surviving the attack: Ribbentrop, Bormann, Himmler, Fegelein, Goering. Lined up to greet Hitler and show loyalty: Funk, Saukel, Speer, Dr. Sauer, Lammers, Himmler, Goering, Goebbels, Guderian, Jodl (wounded, bandaged). 04:21:08 Title:\"People's Court Trial Concerning Plot of 20th July / Judge Freisler Presiding\" Held in the Supreme Court of Berlin. 04:25:48 Title:\"Major Rehmer, Decorated for Role in Suppression of 20th July Plot, Hails Unity of NSDAP and Wehrmacht July 1944\""@eng . . "1945?, April 20-July 1944" . "Hitler with Nazi officials; Hitler's 55th birthday; Aftermath of July 20, 1944 bomb plot; People's Court & Judge Freisler"@eng . . . "Hitler with Nazi officials; Hitler's 55th birthday; Aftermath of July 20, 1944 bomb plot; People's Court & Judge Freisler"@eng . .