"Session 29. Court is adjourned. There are shots of the audience, frontals of the courtroom, and a conversation between Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius and Adolf Eichmann. Following a blip at 00:05:21, excerpts from Tape 2040 with witness Avraham Aviel are repeated. He discusses the liquidation of the Radun ghetto, and his escape to the group of Jewish men being used for labor. After joining the second group, Aviel recounts the death of his mother and younger brother:\"Only afterward did I learn that I had been the only one who somehow managed to escape from that situation\" Aviel discusses the reactions of the labor group. He, his older brother, and the other Jewish men went back to the ghetto, and were registered as 'working Jews' by the Nazis. Aviel and his brother decided to escape, and fled into the forest bordering the Radun ghetto. In another repeat of Tape 2040, Hausner questions Aviel about the Jewish partisan movement against the Gestapo. Following a blip at 00:19:32, more repeated contents of Tape 2040 as Aviel discusses the assistance he received from gentiles-particulatrly a man named Ancilowitz, who housed many Jews despite Nazi interrogation and threat. Aviel describes Nazi actions against the displaced Jews. After a blip at 00:27:10, the Court discusses Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius's ability to take evidence abroad. The Judges request that questions of the Court not be publicized prior to witness interrogation. Court officials argue further over whether to publish examination questions, and courtroom discussions prior to witness interrogation. After much deliberation, the Court submits Decision 15; the Court decides not to publish defense or prosecution questionnaires before relevant questions have been used. The Court discusses protocol for sending information abroad for the purpose of examining foreign witnesses. Hausner notes that all intended witnesses for the Defense are war criminals under the Nazi and Nazi Collaborators Punishment Law of 1950, and therefore may not enter Israel without threat of arrest and prosecution. However, Hausner agrees that the testimony of Eichmann's former colleagues is important to the trial. Following a blip at 00:51:10, Hausner questions witness Haim Behrendt, a Minsk ghetto survivor, about the conditions in the Minsk ghetto. Behrendt states:\"They [the SS] killed about 30,000 Jews there..\" The tape ends as he continues to describe the killings in Minsk."@eng . "Eichmann Trial -- Session 29 -- Testimonies of A. Aviel and H. Behrendt"@eng . "Eichmann Trial -- Session 29 -- Testimonies of A. Aviel and H. Behrendt"@eng . . "1961 May 05" . . . . . .