. "1942 April" . "Pan, German ships and troops in Norway. Pan, city of Oslo, Norway. Bicycle troops at railway station. German DDs. German boat steaming at high speed in water. Captain on bridge. Guns firing off forward section of boat, plane catapults. German troops on deck, snow-covered hills in BG. Machine gun firing on British plane. German seaplane landing on bay. Harbor, many ships. High mountains on side of fjord. German troops passing baggage from ship to tugs. Tug loaded with troops. German seaplane taking off from harbor, city and hills in BG. German troops along road, disembarking from ship. Tanks and horses unloaded, dock with troops and supplies. German troops marching past camera, passing in review before officer. Troops talking to civilians, parading through streets of Oslo. Large gun is fired. Seaplanes. Bomber taking off from airfield. Formation of German planes. German sub. CU, swastika."@eng . . . "Invasion of Norway"@eng . . "Invasion of Norway"@eng . . .