Russian News (1944, No. E) an entity of type: Record

Russian News (1944, No. E) 
Russian News (1944, No. E) 
On the liberation of Vilna, Latvia. Tanks and infantry move down a dirt road past cottages."Road sign: Litovskaia SS" [Road sign reads Lithuanian SSR]. Field guns and mortars are loaded and fired. Infantry runs past dead Germans. Soldiers advance from house to house. Flames pour from windows. Tanks pass through the streets. Machine guns are fired from rubble. Telephone wire is strung. Germans leave shattered buildings and surrender; long columns of them are marched to the rear. Troops march past two road signs indicating path to Grodno, Kaunas; and Kaunas Keningsberg. Victorious Russians move through the streets as civilians cheer. Guerrillas, both men and women, return to their homes. Russian officers congratulate them. Road sign indicates"NA [To]: Kaunas/Kenigsber". Tractor-drawn artillery moves forward. Russian title transcriptions: Osvobozhdenie Vil'niusa ++++ Frontovoi Vypusk No. 4 Iiul' 1944 goda ++++ Snimali operatory (cinematographers): M. Berov E. Lozovskii G. Golubov V. Mishchenko A. Krylov B. Frolenko C. Shkol'nikov assistent: F. Fel'dman Nachal'nikh Frontovoi Kinogrunny: A. Medvedkin ++++ Rezhissior (director): L.Varlamov Voennyi konsul'tant (War consultant): General-Maior S. P. Platonov ++++ Vypusk TSentral'noi Ordena Krasnogo Znameni Studii Dokumental'nykh Fil'mov 

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