"(Munich 164) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, May 16, 1946. LS, courtroom, a prosecutor reads indictment. LS, prisoners filing into courtroom and taking their seats. Members of the Tribunal take their places. MLS, four unidentified judges at bench. Brig Gen Josiah T. Dalbey reading part of the indictment. Capt Benjamin N Narvid, defense counselor, speaking to the court, prisoners in BG. Pan, LS, spectators and prisoners take their seats. LSs, Court personnel and spectators rise as judges enter. LS, prosecution starts its case. Defendants in prisoners' dock."@eng . . . "1946 May 16" . "War Crimes Trials: Malmedy"@eng . . . "War Crimes Trials: Malmedy"@eng . .