"(LIB 6519) Dachau Concentration Camp, Germany, May 1-4, 1945. CUs, dead bodies in railroad cars. MS, huge pile of discarded prison uniforms. CUs, prisoners unloading bodies from wagons in front of cemetery. Large group of prisoners is sprayed with DDT powder. MS, prisoners in courtyard waving from behind barbed wire fence. In FG can be seen dead German guards. VS, prisoners parading in camp, carrying flags of various nations and pictures of Stalin and Tito. CUs, prisoners quarreling and fighting for food container (seems staged). MS, CUs large pile of bodies in front of building. CUs, sick, emaciated prisoners wrapped in blankets."@eng . . "May 1-4, 1945" . "Dachau Concentration Camp"@eng . . . "Dachau Concentration Camp"@eng . .