Streicher, Rosenberg, Keitel in dock at Nuremberg Trial;"Nazi Concentration Camp" film shown an entity of type: Record
Streicher, Rosenberg, Keitel in dock at Nuremberg Trial;"Nazi Concentration Camp" film shown
Streicher, Rosenberg, Keitel in dock at Nuremberg Trial;"Nazi Concentration Camp" film shown
1945, November 27 and 29
(Paris 392) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 27, 1945. MCU, Julius Streicher. CU, Alfred Rosenberg and Wilhelm Keitel speaking in prisoners' dock. Karl Doenitz seated next to Erich Raeder, speaking to his attorney during recess. Fritsche. CU, Wilhelm Frick turning his back to the camera. Streicher. 23:21:40 Jodl. MS, Keitel speaking to Joachim von Ribbentrop. MSs, Hermann Goering with chin in hand. Rudolf Hess reading book; Ribbentrop staring. 23:21:55 CU, Arthur Seyss-Inquart. 23:22:04 Streicher. CU, Constantin von Neurath. 23:22:30 CU, Walther Funk eating nuts. 23:22:46 View of Goering and Ribbentrop. 23:23:25 Defendants laugh. 23:23:47 Shawcross discusses tomorrow's witness. 23:24:41 US prosecutor Dodd states:"The prosecution for the United States will present a documentary film on concentration camps. This is by no means the entire proof which the prosecution will offer regarding concentration camps. But this film which we offer represents in a brief and unforgettable form what the words concentration camp imply" [The"Nazi Concentration Camp" film (not included on this tape) was screened in court on November 29, 1945, entered in evidence as Document 3054-PS, US-79.] Close view of another section of defendants as lights go out (23:25:30) for the film screening, flash illuminates, camera pans. 23:26:21 Fast film audio heard in dark, including the reading of the affidavit. 23:26:27 Shadowed view of defendants. 23:27:12 Lights go up. Men shift in their seats (not much is revealed).