"Slate reads:\"OSS USAF LT. ARMISTEAD ROLL #1\" AVs, view from planes of bombs being dropped over Germany. B-26s and B-17s in the air and on ground. American soldiers on airfield unloading airplane with baggage. 05:03:56 Slate reads:\"CAPT. BROWNING C-22 A-83 APRI\" Pilot in cockpit. Soldiers unloading a plane and boarding a truck, smoking, gesturing for the camera. On airfield, moving equipment with trucks. 05:06:45 Slate reads:\"CAPT. BROWNING C-21 A-83 APRI\" American soldiers getting off a truck with bags, working at the airfield, marking document. CUs of soldiers as they smoke, dole out supplies, and play with a puppy. Pilot speaks with another. Soldiers wire equipment and prepare planes for takeoff. One marks a plane with chalk,\"Happy Birthday Hoimann! from Duffy's Taver\" Baby shoes hang in cockpit, more INT shots of the cockpit. 05:12:23 Slate reads:\"CAPT. BROWNING C-24 A-83 APRI\" followed quickly by another slate reading:\"OSS USN LT. ARMISTEAD ROLL #2\" Soldier demonstrates shooting a rifle from the plane. INTs and CUs of cockpit, pilots, dog. Loading planes with bombs. 05:15:12 Slate reads:\"CAPT. BROWNING C-25 A-83 APRI\" LS of planes taking off and landing. Slate reads:\"CAPT. CARTER PROD #186 ROLL C-30 4-12-4\" Airplanes in flight. 05:18:23 MS, pan of burning buildings at Ohrdruf. 05:19:48 MS, pile of bones at Buchenwald, CU."@eng . . "March-April 1945" . "US airforce; Ohrdruf on fire; bones at Buchenwald"@eng . . . "US airforce; Ohrdruf on fire; bones at Buchenwald"@eng . .