March of Time -- outtakes -- Czech/Slovak collaborationist government; trial an entity of type: Record

March of Time -- outtakes -- Czech/Slovak collaborationist government; trial 
March of Time -- outtakes -- Czech/Slovak collaborationist government; trial 
1946 (used 10/46) 
LS Tiso, ex-Prime Minister of Slovakia, reviewing line of German troops in Czechoslovakia, during the war. CU Tiso decorating German soldier. CU soldier shaking hands with Tiso and giving Nazi salute. LS ex-president Czechoslovakia, Hacha, being welcomed in Berlin's railroad station by Meissner of the Reichskanzlei. Hacha and group walking past line of German soldiers. MS group of Czech soldiers at attention. Car carrying Karl H. Frank and Wilhelm Frick entering castle gate of Lany, Czechoslovakia. Frick and Frank enter castle room, meet Hacha. Shots of collaborationist Czech government meeting with Frick and Frank. MSs and CUs of the men talking together. MS Baron Neurath arriving in Prague to be Governor of Czechoslovakia. Shots of Neurath saluting Guard of Honor outside station. Neurath enters Prague castle, greeted by Prime Minister Beran. Neurath presented to members of collaborationist government. Judges presiding at trial of accused collaborationist government. Various shots of accused listening to progress of trial. Prosecutor reads indictment; judges at trial. Karl Frank enters Czech courtroom for sentencing for treason. LS Frank led into courtroom. LS courtroom, spectators, judges. Frank with headphones, listening. Confronted with Karl Daluege, former Reichsprotector of Bohemia and Moravia. CUs of two men. Frank standing at bar of justice. Spectators watching proceedings. Frank signs paper on judge's table, bows, and walks from courtroom. 

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