"Young Jewish refugees, having escaped the Germans, arrived at the Athlit Camp near Haifa wanting to join the Jewish Brigade. 05:13:08 Yellow stars pinned to coats and vests. General shot of the recruiting. 05:13:27 Several young Jews stand before the table to sign up. MS, Jews signing up, Yellow Star of David is apparent. 05:14:28 General shot of young Jews entering the Recruiting Department of the Jewish Agency of Tel Aviv. 05:14:45 CU, sign of recruiting bureau in Hebrew and English. 05:14:58 The Mobile Jewish Brigade of Tel Monte - a special armed Jewish brigade authorized by the English authorities to defend the settlement (created in response to the past bloody opposition between Jews and Arabs). Police force doing a manual of arms (the members of this police force wear soldier uniforms and Australian-type hats). CU, one of the men of carrying out the manual of arms. 05:15:49 Marching in field with horses, camel in BG doing labor. 05:16:39 MSs, various military exercises in field. 05:17:08 Men undergoing military review, saluting, marching. General shot of Brigade camp. 05:19:36 Soldier on rooftop defending settlement, on lookout."@eng . . "1945 January 28, 1945 January" . "March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish refugees, Jewish Brigade in Palestine, Jewish Agency"@eng . . . "March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish refugees, Jewish Brigade in Palestine, Jewish Agency"@eng . .