Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 16 and 17 -- Documents admitted as evidence; witnesses M. Fleischmann and F. Meyer testify
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Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 16 and 17 -- Documents admitted as evidence; witnesses M. Fleischmann and F. Meyer testify
Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 16 and 17 -- Documents admitted as evidence; witnesses M. Fleischmann and F. Meyer testify
1961 April 26
Sessions 16 and 17. Attorney General Gideon Hausner reads excerpts from Dieter Wisliceny's statement:"The Final Solution of the Jewish Question was Eichmann's life missio" After a blip at 00:03:40, Hausner continues to read from Wisliceny's statement about Eichmann's interactions with the Grand Mufti. Wisliceny mentions a Jewish child transport from Poland to the Theresienstadt camp to exchange for civilian prisoners. The Grand Mufti objected:"...he protested vigorously to Himmler, using the argument that these Jewish children would, within a few years become adults and would strengthen the Jewish element in Palestine" Blip at 00:11:30. Hausner discusses Huppenkothen's affidavit, and Eichmann's opinions about Huppenkothen. The Prosecution submits an affidavit, and examination of Eberhard von Thadden, officer in the German Foreign Office. Following a blip at 00:18:56, Court officials discuss the prospect of bringing von Thadden into Court rather than relying on his affidavit. Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius believes von Thadden should be brought to Court as a witness. Hausner contends that von Thadden is a war criminal, and therefore he cannot come to Israel without threat of arrest. Servatius argues that von Thadden should receive free passage and temporary immunity as provided by the agreement of judicial aid with German Federal Republic. The Prosocution asserts it will not request von Thadden's presence, even if such a provision exists. After a blip at 00:27:02, Judge Benjamin Halevi comments on the validity of an article found in Life magazine. Another blip at 00:32:06. The Court discusses the possibility of bringing in witnesses for the Defense. Hausner states that von Thadden will not receive immunity, and should he appear, he will be arrested and prosecuted. After a blip at 00:38:55, witness Moritz Fleischmann describes SS treatment. He recounts a raid upon the synagogue on the Tempelgasse. 00:40:10 Fleischmann makes a statement that is not in the official transcripts:"And while I was lying down on my stomach doing this job, the SS sentries threw out the chief rabbi, Dr. Tagliech-a man of seventy, and he like myself was ordered to brush the pavements. I should feel the full force of the degradation and the inhumanity of it. He was thrown out wearing his gown and with his prayer shawl on-his talit. While he was lying down on the pavement, the same sentry asked him in a spirit of cynism, 'Well, how do you like it?' And he replied, 'If God thinks that this is right, then I am His servant" Blip at 00:42:11. Witness Dr. Franz Eliezer Meyer discusses 1936-37 meetings with Eichmann in Prinz Albrechtstrasse. Assistant State Attorney Ya'Akov Bar-Or questions Meyer about Eichmann. After a blip at 00:49:10, Meyer continues to describe Eichmann, and he notes a change in Eichmann's demeanor between 1937 and 1939:"Now, here was this man with the attitude of an autocrat controlling life and death.." Meyer discusses Eichmann's request to transfer Jewish foreign currency for emigrations. Bar-Or asks Meyer about identity cards for Jews.