Eichmann Trial -- Session 11 -- Israeli police interrogation of Eichmann
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Eichmann Trial -- Session 11 -- Israeli police interrogation of Eichmann
Eichmann Trial -- Session 11 -- Israeli police interrogation of Eichmann
1961 April 21
Session 11. Court is not in session. Camera focuses on the prosecution as they discuss among themselves. The Judges enter and there is a blip at 00:04:13. An audio reel of Eichmann's pre-trial interrogation (in German) is being played. Following a blip at 00:06:43, the court translates the recording into Hebrew/English which discusses child deportation in 1942. During the interrogation, witness Avner Less presents Eichmann with a document concerning child transports. Eichmann's reponse is choppy, and he claims a faulty memory. District Attorney Gideon Hausner requests the tape be played from page 711 of the interrogation transcripts, and the translation describes Less questioning the participation of Eichmann's department IVB4' in Jewish transports. Hausner requests an excerpt on page 716 of the interrogation transcripts; in the recording, Less asks Eichmann,"Was the Final Solution of the Jewish question also a law of the Reich" Eichmann explains the Final Solution. Following a series of blips, the court translates page 855 of Eichmann's interrogation where he discusses 'natural selection,' and treatment of the Jews as defined by Himmler. Hausner questions Less about page 932 in the interrogation transcripts and the Prosecution requests page 932 be played in court. There is a blip at 00:36:46 which skips to the presiding Judge Moshe Landau disputing the interrogation recording; he states there is a discrepancy between the audio reel and the official transcripts. Hausner agrees to check the discrepancy, and continues to question Less about Eichmann's pre-trial interrogation. During the interrogation, Less and Eichmann discuss the Nationalist Socialist faith in God, and Less questions Eichmann about an article that appeared in Der Stern, vol. 28 of July 9, 1960. Less highlights marginal notes Eichmann wrote in the book,"Die Letzten Tage der Reichskanzle" [The Last Days of the Chancellery of the Reich]. Eichmann's marginal notes discredit author Gerhard Boldt as a scoundrel, villain, and traitor after reading of Boldt's disloyalty to the Fuehrer. The interrogation continues to be played in court, and is repeatedly interrupted by blips in editing.