Atrocities, Seeshaupt, Germany an entity of type: Record

Atrocities, Seeshaupt, Germany 
Atrocities, Seeshaupt, Germany 
1945 May 
Atrocities, Seeshaupt, Germany. EXT, LS, pile of decomposed bodies. LS, German civilians opening mass grave. CU, partially exhumed body. MS, German civilians removing a body from a mass grave. LS, pile of decomposed bodies. CU, several decomposed bodies. MS, pile of bodies. CU, decomposed bodies. CU, decomposed face of a slave laborer (dead). MS, German civilians carrying a body on a stretcher. LS, pile of decomposed bodies. EXT, crowd of German civilians, building in BG. LS, crowd of German civilians, American soldiers in FG. MS, German civilians unloading bodies from a truck, others looking on. MS, Chaplain conducting religious services, German civilians and American soldiers in BG. CU, old woman's face. DS, German civilians, American officers and soldiers looking at the bodies of slave laborers. MS, German civilians searching bodies for identification. CU, Head and shoulders of a decomposed body. MS, German civilians getting into the back of a truck. LS, German civilians opening a mass grave. American soldiers looking on, building in BG. LS, German civilians opening a mass grave. DS, German civilians clearing the earth from around the bodies of victims of German concentraion camp. 

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