"Ardeatine Caves Massacre, Italy. MSs, pan, CUs, cave with human remains. INT, three men digging with shovels and ax. Removing dirt from bodies. Preparing for burial, placing on litters and carrying away. Inside cave, two stretchers on ground against wall. More shots of more bodies. CUs, doctor with white lab coat taking notes. Removal of objects from bodies. Blessing of bodies by priest. Pile of empty coffins. Men carrying one. CUs, human remains. Head forensic pathologist, Attio Ascarelli. examining body, removing personal effects. CUs, personal effects, including watch and wedding band. Note: 320 Italian civilians were murdered in Ardeatine Caves on March 24, 1944. It is likely that this film was recorded months later, during the summer of 1944."@eng . . "1944 July, Summer 1944" . "Ardeatine Caves Massacre: human remains"@eng . . . "Ardeatine Caves Massacre: human remains"@eng . .