German town; Degenerate Art exhibit in Munich an entity of type: Record
German town; Degenerate Art exhibit in Munich
German town; Degenerate Art exhibit in Munich
1937 September
In the medieval German town of Eisenach, passersby, civilians, artist painting quaint scene outdoors. EXTs Wartburg fortress walls. LS, hillside. 00:13:52 Industrial exhibition in Dusseldorf, high angle views. Visitors at displays, including farm equipment:"Stahl-Kombinu" and"Leichte Maschine". Fountain inside exhibition, crowds. 00:15:25 Very crowded city square in Weimar in summer. Throngs of people, many seated at tables outdoors, men in uniform, women in summer dresses. Large group dancing, ballroom style (motion is slowed down in film). Banners with swastikas surround the square. 00:16:51 In Essen, brief scenes of farming, construction, drills, railroad. 00:18:33 Night scene of formations on Olympic Stadium field in Berlin. Formations lit and in movement on darkened field. 00:20:11 Near Berlin, farming scenes, woman raking hay, hay wagon pulled by cattle, small hay wagon pulled by dog. 00:21:47 Views of Rhine River and Cologne, cathedral in BG, kayakers in FG. Various shots of kayakers. 00:23:17 In Essen, city street scene with posters of"Gross-Flugtag: Essen-Muelheim Flughafe" showing planes with swastikas on tail. Shop window with large sign displayed for advance ticket sales:"N S Gemeinschaft. Kraft durch Freud" [Nazi organization"Strength Through Jo" which sponsored cruises and many kinds of vacations for workers.] Poster advertising a visiting theatrical group:"Svensk Trolltheater / Schwedische Maerchentanzgruppe" Man and boy looking at signs: travel office, Bad Oeynhausen, more posters for the big airshow:"Flug Essen, Stadt Esse". Flower stall in street, tram in BG. 00:24:48 Farmer sowing seed in Fulda, Germany. 00:25:43 Wide view of the new House of German Art, a museum dedicated to Nazi-approved artwork, with long, white columns. 00:26:03 Across the street, INTs of the 1937 exhibition of Entartete Kunst "Degenerate Ar"] on the second floor of the Institute of Archaeology. Room 1 with"Kruzifixu" [Crucified Christ] sculpture by Ludwig Gies (1921), formerly in Luebeck cathedral. 00:26:66 Room 3 with"Maedchen mit blauem Haa" [Girl with Blue Hair] by Eugen Hoffmann. Wall text refers to a Kandinsky piece"Zweierlei Ro" (1928) purchased for the National Gallery in Berlin for 2,000 marks as"paid by taxes from the working German people" 00:26:39 Wide view of the crowds in Room 3, including the mocking inscription by Georg Grosz,"Nehmen Sie Dada ernst! Es lohnt sich" [Take Dada seriously! It's worth it.] Male docent showing visitors Room 3 with"Springendes Pfer" [Jumping Horse] by expressionist Heinrich Campendonk from the National Gallery and the small painting"Um den Fisc" [Around the Fish] by Paul Klee. 00:27:13 Visitors moving through Room 3, looking at sculptures beneath an inscription in wavy lines,"We act as if we were painters, poets, or whatever, but we...are just putting one giant swindle over on the world..." 00:27:24 Exhibit lobby with large head sculpture"Der neue Mensc" [The New Man] by Otto Freundlich (1912), which was used for the cover of the exhibition guide. 00:27:37 EXTs, people coming out of the building, car and bicycle pass by on the street. Large sign over exhibition entrance:"Ausstellung 'Entartete Kunst' Eintritt frei" [Exhibition 'Degenerate Art' Free entrance.] INT, Room 4 with"Der Stran" [The Beach] by Max Beckmann. 00:28:00 Profile view of two women looking at paintings by Ernst Kirchner and Oskar Kokoschka in Room 4 with"Sitzender Man" [Sitting Man] by Erich Heckel of the artists' group"Die Brueck" [The Bridge] and"Die Mulatti" [The Mulatto Woman] by Emil Nolde behind them. Men view works in Room 4 and move through exhibit. 00:28:33 Room 5 with"Bahnhof in Koenigstei" [Koenigstein station] by Ernst Kirchner,"Blumen und Tiere" [Flowers and Animals] by Heinrich Campendonk (1926),"Handstan" by Willi Baumeister,"Im Kan" [In the Canoe] by Jean Metzinger,"Kompositio" [Composition] by Piet Mondrian (1929),"Stillebe" [Still Life] by Karl Schmitt-Rottluff (1932). 00:29:07 The inscription over the doorway from Room 6 to Room 7,"Sie hatten vier Jahre Zeit" [They had four years' time.] In Room 1,"Christus und die Suenderi" [Christ and the Sinner] by Emil Nolde (1929). Visitors before the Dada wall in Room 3, pan to right.