Agro-Joint Activity in Russia an entity of type: Record

Agro-Joint Activity in Russia 
Agro-Joint Activity in Russia 
Rolling titles describe development of Agro-Joint by JDC in 1924 and of assistance given to Jews with the cooperation of the Russian government. MS of Dr. Joseph Rosen, Director of Agro-Joint, Dr. Grower, Dr. Yefim Lubarsky, Vice-President of the Agro-Joint, and Morris C. Troper, European Director of the JDC. More titles state that the Agro-Joint acted as the operating agent of the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlement in Russia. The president of this organization was James Rosenberg, and Paul Baerwald was the treasurer. Photos of Rosenberg, Felix Warburg, and Baerwald and a photo of Julius Rosenwald. Activities of Agro-Joint depicted with small map and illustrations. 

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