"Reel 4: (Symphonic audio track in part of reel) 07:17:00:17\"20 Jahre Lokomotiv und Kraftwagenbau bei Krupp\" ;\"Lokomotivba\" ;\"1919 Die erste Lokomotiv\" Decorated locomotive is paraded through streets. 07:17:45:11\"1939 Die 2000. Lokomotiv\" Workers at Krupp manufacture locomotives. Men in suits exiting railroad car. HAS, locomotive traveling on track. 07:19:19:05\"Kraftwagenba\" Trucks are manufactured in a Krupp factory. 07:19:34:09\"Der Fuehrer besucht den Krupp-Stand auf der Deutschen Automobil-Ausstellun\" Hitler visits the Krupp display at an auto show. Seen looking, talking with Heinrich Himmler. Goering and others present. 07:20:54:05\"U-Boat Commander visiting the Germania shipyard 194\" ;\"Das siegreiche U-Boot von Scapa-Flow trifft unter seinem Commandanten, Kptlt. Audio track includes a choral rendition of\"Wir fahren gegen England\" Prien auf der Bauwerft in Kie\" German submarine commanders, including Gunther Prien, visit the Krupp shipyard in Kiel. (silent) 07:22:53:03\"Erich Mueller at Gun Test\" Krupp manager Erich Mueller watches the test firing of artillery. 07:23:27:18\"Foreign officers at Krup\" Foreign officers inspect the Krupp plant, pose for photograph on stairs, view artillery on field. Many Japanese officers and civilians in first scenes; near the end, uniformed men need national identification: Italian? Romanian? Finnish? (Matches unknown uniforms in Bechtler Collection, Ukraine)"@eng . . . "Manufacturing locomotives/trucks; Shipyard; Inspecting factory/artillery"@eng . . . "Manufacturing locomotives/trucks; Shipyard; Inspecting factory/artillery"@eng . . .