Leaders in Warsaw; 30 Jan 1939 at Reichstag, Hitler threatens destruction of European Jews if war comes again; Torch parade

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Leaders in Warsaw; 30 Jan 1939 at Reichstag, Hitler threatens destruction of European Jews if war comes again; Torch parade 
Leaders in Warsaw; 30 Jan 1939 at Reichstag, Hitler threatens destruction of European Jews if war comes again; Torch parade 
1939 January 30, 1939 February 01 
05:46:37 Quick shot of event at night with soldiers in long coats. In Warsaw, von Ribbentrop with Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Colonel Beck. Memorial wreath presented during ceremony for"Polish Ehrenmahl" Old German military leaders, distinguished-looking, sitting at table, conversing. President Ignacy Moscicki is among them. 05:47:43 Berlin, 30 January 1939. Sixth anniversary of the Nazi seizure of power. Decorated streets with banners, night. Hitler arriving at the Reichstag, motorcade, crowd heiling in BG. Marching on street, entering Reichstag, speaking about the Jews from a podium:"Wenn dem internationalen Judentum nochmals gelinge die Welt in einen Krieg zu stuerzen, werde dies mit er Vernichtung der Juden enden. Die Schaffenden aller Laende muessten ihren gemeinsamen feind erkennen. Deutschland wolle frieden" Other Nazi elite behind Hitler, including Goering, Goebbels, Keitel, Frick, Brauchitsch. Applause. Shots of crowd, standing, heiling. (speech also in UFA TW and"The Eternal Je") (some sound is missing) 05:51:01 Berlin, 30 January 1939. Torch/flare parade on Wilhelmstrasse on the same day (as previous). CUs Nazi flags with swastikas, including an effect whereby the torch-bearing marchers are superimposed on the flag. SA and SS marching, band. Hitler, Goering, and other Nazi elite on the balcony of the Reichskanzlei. Crowd running underneath balcony, saluting Hitler. CU, Goering waving. 

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