"Universal Newsreel, Vol. 19, No. 539, Part 4. Release date, 09/19/1946. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release:\"Displaced Persons Cam\" Upper Austria. Fifteen hundred refugees of Jewish descent live in this UNRRA sponsored camp at Admont, dreaming of the day when they can go to Palestine. They raise most of the food they eat. Men walk under sign (in Hebrew) with hoes and shovels on shoulders. LS countryside. Beautiful mountains. Young men and women in shorts hoeing. Two women outside washing clothes in tub. Four men walking together. CUs, children in pasture with women playing by fence, bulletin board in BG \"Any news? Any letters? Any word from Palestine\" heard in narration). Class being held outside. Other parts of the newsreel include: 15:05:07 1:\"Wallace Speeches Curbe\" 15:07:09 5:\"Koreans Hail Freedo\" ends at 15:08:03"@eng . . "1946 September 19" . "DP camp in Austria"@eng . . . "DP camp in Austria"@eng . . .