"Photographs and postcards, depicting a variety of scenes and personalities from World War II.Includes two collections formerly cataloged as: Breendock Concentration Camp.\r\nPhotographs, n.d. l envelope. Depicts the World War II German concentration camp of Breendock (Antwerp, Belgium). Distributed by the Police Judiciaire, Anvers.\r\nPreliminary inventory.\r\nThis set of 56 photographs depicts the locality, buildings, and camp structures. It does not contain photographs of people.\r\nBuchenwald Concentration Camp.\r\nPhotographs, l945 46. Depicts the Buchenwald Concentration Camp and the memorial to the 5l,000 persons who died there. \r\n"@eng . " World War II pictorial collection"@eng . . . " World War II pictorial collection"@eng . .