"Mimeographed testimony and evidence, relating to the trials of alleged German war criminals at Nuremberg.\r\nThe Hoover Institution Archives has a collection of documents from the Nuremburg Trials, but it is not complete and not indexed. You should consult the published sets of Nuremburg documents. One set, in 42 volumes, contains the proceedings of the trials and documents relating to them (such as evidence, interviews). One set, in 23 volumes contains only the proceedings. Both sets include indexes. Below are the citations to these sets, which use the official name of the entity that conducted the Nuremburg trials, the International Military Tribunal.\r\n\r\n\r\nInternational Military Tribunal. Trial of German Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal. 42 volumes (Includes index).\r\n\r\n\r\nInternational Military Tribunal. Trial of German Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal: Proceedings. 23 volumes (Index in Volume 23).\r\nThese sets are in the Hoover Institution Library. They do not circulate.\r\nThese records consist of the official mimeographed transcripts of the major war criminals trials from November l4, l945 through August l3, l946 in 24 manuscript boxes. Also available are interrogation summaries, documents books, and trial briefs of the major defendants. Of special interest is Box 230 which contains materials entitled\"Persecution of the Jews\" document books l 4. Transcripts and document books are also available for the l2 American trials as well as a substantial collection of documents of the NO, NOKW, NI, and PS series. In many cases the German originals and the English translations are at hand.\r\n"@eng . . . "International Military Tribunal Proceedings"@eng . . . "International Military Tribunal Proceedings"@eng . .