"Reports, memoranda, studies, correspondence, minutes, conference proceedings, and interview transcripts, relating to educational policy and\r\ndenazification in the American occupied zone of Germany after World War II, the establishment of the Freie Universität Berlin, and Nazi persecution of persons of partial Jewish ancestry. Includes photocopies of records of the\r\nEducation and Cultural Relations Division of the United States Office of Military Government for Germany, 1945-1949, and photocopies\r\nof Nazi police files. Used as research material for the books by\r\nJ. F. Tent, Mission on the Rhine: Reeducation and Denazification in\r\nAmerican-Occupied Germany (Chicago, 1982), The Free University of\r\nBerlin (Bloomington, 1988), and In The Shadow of the Holocaust: Nazi\r\nPersecution of Jewish-Christian Germans (Lawrence, 2003). In part, photocopy. "@eng . . . "James F. Tent Papers "@eng . . . "James F. Tent Papers "@eng . .