"Firstly, general information on ORT activities in Belgium can be found in the series of general records, reports, brochures, correspondence etc. We note for instance the series of “WOU Weekly Summaries”, containing weekly reports on ORT work in various countries. These summaries are arranged by country. The series “Archive materials” contains reports and publications on several countries, i.a. Belgium – see folder nr. 304 (ca. 1930-1945). Series “Historical Educational” contains a file “Historical Educational Belgium” (nr. 334; period 1946-1949). It consists of statistical material on the number of students, training centers, courses organised, … often arranged by year or month, or by type of statistic. In series “Tool inventory” there is a file “Tool inventory Belgium” (nr. 383; 1949) in which we find a form detailing the tools, furniture and other material of ORT Belgium. Other series in this collection contain relevant files for our guide. In file “Educational Belgium” (nr. 358; 1947-1948) we find correspondence and forms. The files entitled “Financial Belgium” (nrs. 404 and 449; 1947-1949) contain budgets, statements and various forms."@eng . "ca. 8 l.m. (648 folders)."@eng . "ca. 1922-1978" . "American ORT Federation. Records."@eng . . . "American ORT Federation. Records."@eng . . .