World Jewish Congress Submissions to the United Nations and Other Agencies an entity of type: Record
World Jewish Congress Submissions to the United Nations and Other Agencies
World Jewish Congress Submissions to the United Nations and Other Agencies
2.8 linear feet (7 Hollinger boxes)
Consists of memoranda, applications and reports prepared by the WJC and submitted to the UN and other agencies. These submissions pertain to issues such as human rights, statelessness, refugees, etc.
Box B139. Folder 12. Index of United Nations chronological file, 1945-1949, undated
Box B139. Folder 13. Memorandum Submitted to the United Nations Conference of International Organization at San Francisco, 1945
Box B139. Folder 14. Report of Executive of the United Nation Preparatory Committee, 1945 November
Box B139. Folder 15. Stein, Kalman, Jewish Displaced Persons, answer from Sorieri, A.A., Italian mission, 1945 December
Box B139. Folder 16. Robinson, Jacob, Office Committee, representation of non-Governmental organizations in the organs of United Nations Organization, 1946 March
Box B139. Folder 17. Matters of Jewish Interest at the First Meeting of the Organs of UNO in London, 1946 March
Box B139. Folder 18. War Criminals: Their Extradition and Punishment, 1946 April
Box B139. Folder 19. Problems of Refugees and Displaced Persons, 1946 April
Box B139. Folder 20. Preface, 1946 April
Box B139. Folder 21. Memorandum to United Nations Special Committee on Refugees and Displaced Persons, 1946 May
Box B139. Folder 22. Dubinsky, Harvey, report of conversation with Owen and Gee, 1946 June
Box B139. Folder 23. Application for consultative membership of Economic and Social Council and Commission on Human Rights, 1946 June
Box B139. Folder 24. Persecution of Afghanistan Jewry, 1946 August
Box B139. Folder 25. Memorandum Submitted to the Second Part of the First Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, 1946 November
Box B139. Folder 26. Stein, Kalman, Office Committee, International Refugee Organization, 1946 November
Box B139. Folder 27. Stein, Kalman, Office Committee, International Refugee Organization, 1946 November
Box B139. Folder 28. Easterman, Alexander L., application for consultative with Economic and Social Council, 1946 December
Box B139. Folder 29. Stein, Kalman, United States plan for direct relief submitted to United Nations, 1946 December
Box B139. Folder 30. Stein, Kalman, International Refugee Organization, constitution, 1946 December
Box B139. Folder 31. Stein, Kalman, International Refugee Organization, constitution, 1947 January
Box B139. Folder 32. Stein, Kalman, International Refugee Organization, 1947 January
Box B139. Folder 33. Application for Consultative Membership of U.N. Social Council and Commission of Human Rights, 1947 February
Box B139. Folder 34. Stein, Kalman, visit to Williams, Pierce, 1947 February
Box B139. Folder 35. Stein, Kalman, conference with Ording, Aake, 1947 March
Box B139. Folder 36. Stein, Kalman, relief collection, 1947 May
Box B140. Folder 1. Memorandum Submitted to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights Drafting Committee, 1947 June
Box B140. Folder 2. Memorandum Submitted to the U.N. Economic and Social Council, 1947 July
Box B140. Folder 3. Memorandum, Yemen, 1947 August
Box B140. Folder 4. Memorandum to U.N. Special Committee on Palestine, 1947
Box B140. Folder 5. International Children's Fund, 1947 September
Box B140. Folder 6. Non-Governmental Organization Section, planned conference of non-governmental organizations, 1947 October
Box B140. Folder 7. Memorandum Submitted by the World Jewish Congress (Swiss Section) to the Commission on Human Rights of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, 1947 November
Box B140. Folder 8. Memorandum Submitted to U.N. Economic and Social Council, Arab countries, 1948 January
Box B140. Folder 9. Memorandum on Genocide Submitted to the U.N. Economic and Social Council, 1948 February
Box B140. Folder 10. Marcus, Robert S., statement, stateless persons, 1948 February
Box B140. Folder 11. Memorandum to United Nations Economic and Social Council, Jewish Situation in Arab countries, 1948 February
Box B140. Folder 12. Additional memorandum to United Nations Economic and Social Council, Jewish population in Moslem countries, 1948 February
Box B140. Folder 13. Las Naciones Unidas El Problema Del Genocide, 1948 April
Box B140. Folder 14. Marcus, Robert S., statement, Ad Hoc Committee on Genocide, 1948 April
Box B140. Folder 15. Marcus, Robert S., Sub-Committee on Declaration of International Rights and Duties of Man, Inter-American Conference, Bogota, Colombia, 1948 April
Box B140. Folder 16. Memorandum on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Submitted to the Drafting Committee of the Human Rights Commission, 1948 April
Box B140. Folder 17. Memorandum Submitted to the 6th Part of the 1st Session of the Council of Preparation Commission for the International Refugee Organization, 1948 April
Box B140. Folder 18. Report of Activities of Political Department November 15, 1947 to May 15, 1948, 1948
Box B140. Folder 19. Memorandum on Human Rights Submitted to the Third Session of the Human Rights Commission, 1948 June
Box B140. Folder 20. Memorandum Concerning the Draft Convention on Genocide, 1948 June
Box B140. Folder 21. Memorandum, human rights, 1948 June
Box B140. Folder 22. World Jewish Congress, activities, 1948 June
Box B140. Folder 23. Memorandum Concerning the Necessity of a Convention on Missing Persons Submitted to the Secretary General of the United Nations, 1948 June
Box B140. Folder 24. Bienenfeld, Franz R., reports, United Nations Economic and Social Council, 1948 August
Box B140. Folder 25. Wise, Stephen, to Malik, Charles, World Jewish Congress status, 1948 June
Box B140. Folder 26. Easterman, Alexander L., non-governmental organizations report, 1948 August
Box B140. Folder 27. Easterman, Alexander L., application for Group A and Jews in Arab countries, 1948 August
Box B140. Folder 28. Easterman, Alexander L., to Malik, Charles, Jews in Arab lands, 1948 August
Box B140. Folder 29. Easterman, Alexander L., to British section, Jews in Arab countries, 1948 October
Box B140. Folder 30. Memorandum Concerning the Validity of the Post-Versailles Treaties and Other Instruments of International Protection of Minorities, 1948 December
Box B140. Folder 31. White Paper, Treatment of Jews in Iraq, 1948 December
Box B140. Folder 32. Memorandum on human rights, Marcus, Robert S., 1949 February
Box B140. Folder 33. World Jewish Congress interventions with Moslem countries, 1949 February
Box B140. Folder 34. Goldmann, Nahum and Marcus, Robert S., human rights and genocide, 1949 March
Box B140. Folder 35. Human rights submissions, 1948
Box B140. Folder 36. Memorandum to U.N. General Assembly Concerning the Protection of the Rights of the Jewish Population of the Former Italian Colonies, 1949 April
Box B140. Folder 37. Memorandum submitted to International Law Commission, 1949 April
Box B140. Folder 38. Statement on Behalf of the Jewish Community of Tripolitania to the Political Commission of the General Assembly, 1949 May
Box B140. Folder 39. Memorandum Submitted to the Fourth Session of the Human Rights Commission, Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1949 May
Box B140. Folder 40. Perlzweig, Maurice L., Jewish community in Tripolitania (Spanish), 1949 May
Box B140. Folder 41. Memorandum Submitted to the Subcommission on Freedom of Information and of the Press of the Human Rights Commission, 1949 May
Box B140. Folder 42. Memorandum Submitted by the World Jewish Congress to the Ad Hoc Committee on the Preparation of a Convention on Declaration of Death of Missing Persons, 1949 May
Box B140. Folder 43. Memorandum Submitted to the Fifth Session of the Human Rights Commission, 1949 June
Box B140. Folder 44. Note on the Right of Petition and French Proposals to U.N. Commission on Human Rights, 1949 June
Box B140. Folder 45. Memorandum Submitted to the World Jewish Congress to the Fifth Session of the Human Rights Commission on the Right of and the Procedure of Petitions, 1949 June
Box B141. Folder 1. The Genocide Convention; Its Origins and Interpretation, 1949 July
Box B141. Folder 2. Perlzweig, Maurice L., statement, Tripolitania, 1949 September
Box B141. Folder 3. Marcus, Robert S., to Trygve, Lie, refugees, 1949 September
Box B141. Folder 4. Memorandum on treatment of Jewish population in Iraq, 1949 October
Box B141. Folder 5. Marcus, Robert S., to Trygve, Lie, Iraq memo, 1949 October
Box B141. Folder 6. Memorandum Concerning the Future Protection of Stateless Persons and Refugees by the United Nations, 1949 November
Box B141. Folder 7. Memorandum Re: Iraq and Trygve, Lie, 1949 November
Box B141. Folder 8. Memorandum Concerning A Convention on Missing Persons, 1949 November
Box B141. Folder 9. Memorandum I and II to Migration Conference, Geneva, 1949-1950
Box B141. Folder 10. Index of United Nations chronological file, 1950-1953, undated
Box B141. Folder 11. Submissions, newsclippings, 1950-1951
Box B141. Folder 12. Memorandum to Migration Conference in Geneva, 1949-1950
Box B141. Folder 13. Memorandum Concerning the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1950 January
Box B141. Folder 14. Memorandum Submitted to the Ad Hoc Committee on Statelessness and Related Matters, 1950 January
Box B141. Folder 15. Memorandum Concerning the Situation of Jews in Moslem Lands, 1950
Box B141. Folder 16. Marcus, Robert S., A Statement on the Future of UNICEF, 1950 February
Box B141. Folder 17. Memorandum Submitted to the Diplomatic Conference on the Declaration of Death of Missing Persons, 1950 March
Box B141. Folder 18. Memorandum Submitted to the Sixth Session of the Human Rights Commission, 1950 March
Box B141. Folder 19. Draft Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees Adopted by the Ad Hoc Committee on Statelessness and Related Problems, 1950 April
Box B141. Folder 20. Perlzweig, Maurice L., The Right to Petition; Proposals by the World Jewish Congress, 1950 April
Box B141. Folder 21. The Convention on the Declaration of Death of Missing Persons and the Activities of the World Jewish Congress In Connection Therewith, 1950 May
Box B141. Folder 22. Marcus, Robert S., memorandum re: Human Rights Commission, 1950 May
Box B141. Folder 23. Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Its Origins, Significance, and Interpretation, 1950 May
Box B141. Folder 24. Final Act of Declaration of Death of Missing Persons, 1950 May
Box B141. Folder 25. Memorandum Concerning the Formulation of the Nuremberg Principles, 1950 June
Box B141. Folder 26. La Convencion Sobre la Declaration de Muerte de Personas Disaparagidas y Law Actividades de Congreso Judio Mondial Conectdas Con Ella, 1950 June
Box B141. Folder 27. Observations Concerning the Draft First International Covenant on Human Rights, 1950 July
Box B141. Folder 28. Let Facts Speak for Themselves!, 1950 August
Box B141. Folder 29. Congress Policy and the Draft Covenant, Human Rights, 1950 September
Box B141. Folder 30. Memorandum Concerning Refugees and Stateless Persons, 1950 October
Box B141. Folder 31. Memorandum Concerning the Formulation of the Nuremberg Principles and the Question of International Criminal Jurisdiction, 1950 October
Box B141. Folder 32. Memorandum Concerning the Situation of the Jews in Libya, 1950 October
Box B141. Folder 33. Memorandum on the Draft First International Covenant on Human Rights and Observations Concerning the Draft International Covenant on Human Rights, 1950 October
Box B142. Folder 1. United Nations Convention on the Declaration of Missing Persons; Commentary,, 1951
Box B142. Folder 2. Memorandum Submitted to the U.N. Committee on the Draft Convention on Freedom of Information, 1951 January
Box B142. Folder 3. Memorandum Submitted by the World Jewish Congress to the Twelfth Session, Economic and Social Council, 1951 February
Box B142. Folder 4. Observations Concerning the Draft First International Covenant on Human Rights Submitted to the Seventh Session of the Human Rights Commission, 1951 April
Box B142. Folder 5. Communication on situation of the Jews in Iraq, Commission on Human Rights, 1951 May
Box B142. Folder 6. Memorandum Concerning the Preparation of a Draft Code of Offenses Against the Peace and Security of Mankind, Submitted to the Third Session of the International Law Commission, 1951 May
Box B142. Folder 7. Memorandum Submitted to the United Nations Conference on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons, 1951 June
Box B142. Folder 8. Observations Concerning the Draft International Covenant on Human Rights Submitted to the Thirteenth Session of the Economic and Social Council, 1951 July
Box B142. Folder 9. Memorandum Submitted to the United Nations Committee on International Criminal Jurisdiction, 1951 August
Box B142. Folder 10. Memorandum Submitted to the Fourth Session of the Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1951 September
Box B142. Folder 11. Second Memorandum to the Fourth Session of the Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1951 October
Box B142. Folder 12. Additions to the Draft International Code of Ethics for the Press, 1952 March
Box B142. Folder 13. Observations Concerning the Division of the Draft Covenant on Human Rights Into Two Covenants; Submitted to the Eighth Session of the Human Rights Commission, 1952 April
Box B142. Folder 14. Memorandum Concerning the First Eighteen Articles of the Draft First Covenant on Human Rights Submitted to the Eighth Session of the Commission on Human Rights, 1952 May
Box B142. Folder 15. Memorandum Submitted to the Fifth Session of the Sub-Commission on Preservation of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1952 September
Box B142. Folder 16. Memorandum to non-governmental organizations, 1952 October
Box B142. Folder 17. Memorandum Concerning the Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court Adopted by the Committee on International Criminal Jurisdiction, 1952 November
Box B142. Folder 18. Robinson, Nehemiah, letter to Third Committee of United Nations General Assembly, refugees, 1952 December
Box B142. Folder 19. Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees; Its History, Contents, and Interpretation, 1953
Box B142. Folder 20. The Seventh Session of the United Nations General Assembly; Appraisal and Prospect, 1953 February
Box B142. Folder 21. Memorandum on genocide, 1953 October
Box B142. Folder 22. Memorandum on refugees, 1953 October
Box B142. Folder 23. Observations of the World Jewish Congress on the Report of the Ninth Session of the Commission on Human Rights, 1953 December
Box B142. Folder 24. Memorandum Submitted to the Sixth Session of the Sub-commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1953 December
Box B142. Folder 25. Submissions, Secretary-General, 1956, 1960, 1963
Box B142. Folder 26. Commission on Human Rights, submissions, 1948, 1956-1957, 1965
Box B142. Folder 27. Council Committee on Non-Government Organizations, submissions, 1960 April
Box B142. Folder 28. United Nations Economic and Social Council, submissions, 1949-1951, 1953-1954, 1958, 1960, 1962
Box B142. Folder 29. United Nations Economic and Social Council, submissions, 1963
Box B143. Folder 1. United Nations General Assembly, submissions, 1950-1951, 1953, 1957, 1962-1964, 1966
Box B143. Folder 2. International Law Commission, submissions, 1948-1950, 1954
Box B143. Folder 3. Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, submissions, 1949, 1952-1955, 1958, 1964
Box B143. Folder 4. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, submissions, 1945-1948
Box B143. Folder 5. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, submissions, 1950-1955
Box B143. Folder 6. Anti-Semitism, submissions, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1963, 1965
Box B143. Folder 7. Calendar reform, submissions, 1954
Box B143. Folder 8. Conference on Elimination or Reduction of Statelessness, submissions, 1954, 1957, 1961
Box B143. Folder 9. Convention on Missing Persons, submissions, 1948
Box B143. Folder 10. Fifteenth Anniversary of United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, submissions, 1963
Box B143. Folder 11. Freedom from Hunger, submissions, 1963
Box B143. Folder 12. Genocide, submissions, 1947-1949
Box B143. Folder 13. Neo-Nazism, submissions, 1962
Box B143. Folder 14. Statelessness, submissions, 1948-1954
Box B143. Folder 15. Submissions, 1943-1947
Box B144. Folder 1. Submissions, 1948-1949
Box B144. Folder 2. Submissions, 1950
Box B144. Folder 3. Submissions, 1951-1952
Box B144. Folder 4. The World Jewish Congress at the United Nations, 1953
Box B144. Folder 5. Report by the World Jewish Congress on its Consultative Activities During the Period June 1, 1949 to September 30, 1953, 1953 October
Box B144. Folder 6. Tentative List of World Jewish Congress Submissions to the United Nations From June 1, 1949 to June 30, 1953, 1953 October
Box B144. Folder 7. Submissions, 1954, 1956
Box B144. Folder 8. Report on Third Committee of 11th United Nations General Assembly, submissions, 1957
Box B144. Folder 9. Memorandum Concerning the Exchange of Letters Between the United States and Polish Delegations Dated June 7, 1957, 1957 September
Box B144. Folder 10. The Twelfth Regular Session of the U.N. General Assembly, What Will It Deal With, 1957 September
Box B144. Folder 11. Submissions, 1957-1958, 1962
Box B144. Folder 12. Suggestions for Amendments to the Proposed Recommendations Concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation, 1958
Box B144. Folder 13. Memorandum Submitted by World Jewish Congress to the United Nations Conference on the Elimination or Reduction of Statelessness, 1961
Box B144. Folder 14. Los Derechos Humanos en America y El Congreso Judio Mondial, 1963
Box B144. Folder 15. Submissions, 1967, 1969
Box B144. Folder 16. Submissions, publications, 1950, 1956
Box B144. Folder 17. Statements Submitted to the Paris Conference, 1946-1947
Box B144. Folder 18. Comments and Proposals Respecting the Treaty with Austria Submitted to the Council of Foreign Ministers, 1947
Box B144. Folder 19. Submissions, 1948-1951
Box B144. Folder 20. International Labour Conference, submissions, 1957-1958
Box B144. Folder 21. Organization of American States, submissions, 1963
Box B144. Folder 22. United States, Department of State, submissions, 1950
Box B145. Folder 1. Maier, Elizabeth, submissions, vol. I, 1943-1944
Box B145. Folder 2. Maier, Elizabeth, submissions, vol. I, 1945-1947
Box B145. Folder 3. Maier, Elizabeth, submissions, vol. III, 1948 August-1949 July
Box B145. Folder 4. Maier, Elizabeth, submissions, vol. III, 1949 August-December
Box B145. Folder 5. Maier, Elizabeth, submissions, vol. IV, 1950
Box B145. Folder 6. Maier, Elizabeth, submissions, vol. V, 1951
Box B145. Folder 7. Maier, Elizabeth, submissions, vol. VI, 1951-1953
Box B145. Folder 8. Maier, Elizabeth, submissions, vol. VI, 1954-1955
Box B146. Folder 1. Tumarkin, Ida, submissions, 1945-1948
Box B146. Folder 2. Tumarkin, Ida, submissions, 1949
Box B146. Folder 3. Tumarkin, Ida, submissions, 1950-1952
Box B146. Folder 4. Tumarkin, Ida, submissions, 1953-1956
Box B146. Folder 5. American Jewish Congress, submissions, 1956-1957
Box B146. Folder 6. American Zionist Emergency Committee, submission, 1946
Box B146. Folder 7. United Nations Palestine Arab Delegation, Memorandum to Sub-commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1963
Box B146. Folder 8. United Nations agencies, 1945-1947
Box B146. Folder 9. Submissions, Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, Palestine, 1946